addiction recovery

Alcohol and drug dependency treatment is a growing component of the Institute’s array of services. Each client presenting with this problem receives a comprehensive drug and alcohol assessment in order to determine the nature and severity of the problem. If, following the initial assessment, referral is necessary for inpatient detoxification or more intensive care then the client is provided with a choice of a number of treatment providers. Also assessed is the client’s motivation to change. It is the skill of the addictions counselor to attempt to enhance the client’s motivation from the first session to the last.

If the recovery process can be managed on an outpatient basis then a combination of chemically assisted treatment, addictions based individual and group therapy are available. Also involvement of significant others is encouraged. Throughout treatment education is provided on the disease of addiction and in relapse prevention. In addition, each client is encouraged to attend local support groups and a list of times and locations are provided. The institute also provides breathalyzer and urinalysis testing as a way to assist the client in their recovery.

If an opiate addiction is the problem our psychiatrist is certified to prescribe Suboxone for assistance in opiate withdrawal and also for ongoing maintenance if necessary. Suboxone has been found to be the most effective method of reducing opiate cravings, the number one reason for relapse.